Lucy Njue - Kimosop a Renowned Grant Proposal Development and Fundraising Expert
Quality assurance
Write quality documents that meet global standards
Meet Your Deadlines
Learn how to write successful grant proposals without wasting hours and hours
Donor Satisfaction
Your grant proposal will get approved without many revisions
How To Write Grant Proposals That Will Attract Funding, Help You Grow Your Non-Profit (CBO, NGO etc.) And Transform Lives
Imagine Having to Write Grant Proposals That Gets Approved Without Stress!
My Signature Offer Helps Profit And Non-Profit Organizations (Social Enterprises, NGOs, FBOs, CBOs, Etc.) Struggling To Attract Grant Funding For Their Programs.
I am a proposal development and monitoring and evaluation expert with 13 years’ of experience working for the humanitarian and development sector. I have assisted dozens of organizations -international, local, small/start-ups, and medium and large-size organizations to win grants/funds that have impacted the lives of many vulnerable and needy people.
Through my programs, I help founders and professionals working with non-profits to attract and retain donors by equipping them with fundraising and proposal writing skills.
I am a holder of Masters in Population studies from the University of Nairobi (UON), a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (UON), a diploma in Project Management (KIM), a certificate in Data Science and Machine Learning (MIT, USA) and I am currently pursuing PhD studies in Public Health in JKUAT, ITROMID College.
Great fundraisers aren’t born. They are made. Anyone can become a great fundraiser by learning the key principles behind raising money, then practicing over and over again.
While some people are naturally gifted fundraisers, for the most part, everyone in the fundraising world started off feeling confused and awkward.
Whether you’re just starting out in fundraising or you simply want a refresher of the basics, my eBook will help you put the foundations in place for an effective fundraising strategy.